God Willing

God Willing2015

Shocked to learn his son is leaving medicine to become a priest, atheist heart surgeon Tomasso sets out to undermine his son's charismatic mentor.

Genre:   Comedy

Alternate Genre:   Comedies, Dark Comedies, Dramas, Faith & Spirituality, Faith & Spirituality Movies, International Comedies, International Dramas, International Movies, Italian Movies

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Audio:   Italian

Year:   2015

Duration:   1h27m

Available From (?):   2018-04-10

Suitable for Age (?):   13+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Edoardo Maria Falcone

Actor(s):   Alessandro Gassman , Alessandro Gassmann , Alex Cendron , Carlo Luca De Ruggieri , Edoardo Pesce , Enrico Oetiker , Fabrizio Giannini , Giuseppina Cervizzi , Ilaria Spada , Laura Morante , Marco Giallini