The House of Hanging (Byoinzaka no kubikukuri no ie)

The House of Hanging (Byoinzaka no kubikukuri no ie)1979

In his final case, detective Kindaichi investigates a complicated mystery involving a strange, dilapidated house where brutal deaths continue to occur.

Genre:   Crime, Thriller

Alternate Genre:   Crime Thrillers, Japanese Movies, Movies based on Books, Mysteries, Thriller Movies

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Audio:   Japanese

Year:   1979

Duration:   2h18m

Available From (?):   2020-10-10

Suitable for Age (?):   16+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Kon Ichikawa

Actor(s):   Junko Sakurada , Koji Ishizaka , Masao Kusakari , Takako Irie , Takeshi Kato , Teruhiko Aoi , Yoshiko Sakuma