Beata Ignoranza

Beata Ignoranza2017

An old-fashioned teacher and his tech-obsessed rival become professors at the same school, where they're challenged to change their digital ways.

Genre:   Comedy

Alternate Genre:   Comedies, Italian Comedies, Italian Movies

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Audio:   Italian

Year:   2017

Duration:   1h39m

Available From (?):   2019-02-23

Suitable for Age (?):   13+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Massimiliano Bruno

Actor(s):   Alessandro Gassman , Carolina Crescentini , Emanuela Fanelli , Giuseppe Ragone , Luca Angeletti , Luciano Scarpa , Malvina Ruggiano , Marco Giallini , Teresa Romagnoli , Valeria Bilello